Foxrock is a low-density residential area dating from the 1860s and it is characterised by large single-family homes on generous sites in a sylvan setting of mature trees and hedges. This type of suburban development is a recognised urban design type called ‘Arcadian’. The essential features of the Arcadian suburb are the low density of development and the use of landscaping to enclose the buildings, creating the illusion of a rural environment in a residential area. As present-day land values and the principles of sustainable development preclude new areas at such densities, it is extremely important that a unique existing area such as Foxrock should be preserved.
FACE strives to preserve the character of Foxrock and makes submissions to both the Council and An Bord Pleanála on all significant proposed developments. FACE also commissioned a report from Registered Architect and Planning Consultant Feargall Kenny B.Arch., Dip. T.P., RIBA, MRIAI, MIPI which he presented at our Information Evening in October 2018. This comprehensive 30 page report gives full details on the history of planning in Foxrock together with updates on recent and current planning submissions and is available to view/download on www.foxrock.ie under Area Conservation.
The planning legislation gives legislative force to the concept of Architectural Conservation Areas. The Act allows for a Development Plan to include an objective to preserve the character of an area that is of special architectural interest if the planning authority is of the opinion that its inclusion is necessary for the preservation of character of the place – referred to as an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA). The Act obliges a planning authority, or An Bord Pleanála on appeal, when considering a planning application for permission of development on land situated in an ACA to take into account the material effect that the proposal will have on the character of the ACA.
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council has recognised that the Foxrock area has unique qualities which require special protection under the planning system and, as a result, the core area of Foxrock – comprising Torquay Road, Westminster Road, Brighton Road, Kerrymount Avenue and their immediate environs – were designated as an ACA in July 2007. This designation has been carried forward into the current County Development Plan.
The Planning and Development ACT 2000 requires a planning authority to make a new County Development Plan for their area every six years. The current Development Plan for the County of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown was adopted in March 2016 and covers the period up to 2022.
FACE has established a steering group to prepare for the next County Development Plan and is engaging with residents and businesses for their opinions and formulate a submission in order to inform the Council of the views of the community for their consideration. Please email your comments to: facefoxrock@gmail.com
We are proud to announce that the Foxrock Village car park in OPEN. Our new car park provides additional 51 public car parking spaces to serve the village centre and has been provided on lands transferred from Leopardstown Racecourse.
Located at the Leopardstown Racecourse entrance (turn at road between The Gables and the Guinness Gallery, drive under the arch and turn immediate left), the car park project was completed end of March and opened 4th April 2017.
After several years of dedicated work on the part of many people, the councillors of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council voted unanimously in support of a new car park on February 25th 2013 with the first stage of the formal planning process started on May 10th 2013 detailed as follows:
The construction of a car park for Foxrock Village within lands of Horse Racing Ireland (Leopardstown Racecourse). The car park will allow for a total 51 car parking spaces comprising 2 disabled car parking spaces, 2 electric recharging bays and 47 standard bays, a covered cycle stand for 14 cycles. New walls, height barriers, fences, screening, gates, public lighting, relocate vehicular entrance gates to within the site and widening of existing pedestrian entrance, extensive natural and planted landscaping and ancillary works.
In 2018, Foxrock Area Community & Enterprise Limited (FACE) commissioned a PLANNING REPORT to provide a full overview of the Foxrock area, details of the Architectural Conservation Area and background/history of submissions and applications. This information is also of benefit to residents who wish to make an appeal on future planning applications and may need background information on the area.